महिला आणि लिंग समानता धोरण

प्रस्तावना पितृसत्ताक वर्चस्वामुळे प्राचीन काळापासून महिलांमध्ये भेदभाव केला जात आहे. अनेक बंधनकारक आंतरराष्ट्रीय अधिवेशन असूनही हे चालूच आहे. जगात पुनरुत्पादक हक्क, कामगार, शिक्षण आणि आरोग्याशी…

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Uttar Pradesh Dalit rape cases: IGP demands Adityanath’s resignation

INDIA GREENS PARTY Press Statement Unchir, Pauri-Garhwal, Uttarakhand, 3 October 2020: Condemning the horrendous Hathras and Balrampur Dalit rape incidents in the strongest of words,…

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World Rivers Day: IGP appeals to defend rights of those who depend on the rivers

INDIA GREENS PARTY Press Statement Onchar, Pauri-Garhwal, Uttarakhand, 27 September 2020: The India Greens Party (IGP) has said there is a great need to overcome…

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Farm Bills: IGP says governments must not behave like locust swarms

Press Statement Farm Bills: IGP says governments must not behave like locust swarms Onchar, Pauri-Garhwal, Uttarakhand, 23 September 2020: The India Greens Party (IGP) has…

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Peace Day

Peace Day: IGP appeals to all to live in harmony with each other

INDIA GREENS PARTY Press Statement Onchar, Pauri-Garhwal, Uttarakhand, 21 September 2020: The India Greens Party (IGP) has emphasised the need for creating Peace Day everyday and…

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Ozone Day: IGP says global efforts to protect ozone layer need to be accelerated

Press Statement Ozone Day: IGP says global efforts to protect ozone layer need to be accelerated Onchar, Pauri-Garhwal, UK, 16 September 2020: The India Greens…

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Democracy Day: IGP pitches for reclaiming Democracy and defending Diversity

Press Statement Democracy Day: IGP pitches for reclaiming Democracy and defending Diversity Onchar, Pauri-Garhwal, UK, 15 September 2020: The India Greens Party (IGP) has said…

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IGPWN നയങ്ങൾ

Version -2 Date 14 sept. 2020 IGPWN നയങ്ങൾ  സ്ത്രീകളും ലിംഗസമത്വ നയവും    ഓഗസ്റ്റ് 14, 2020  ആമുഖം   പുരുഷാധിപത്യ മേധാവിത്വം കാരണം പണ്ടുമുതലേ സ്ത്രീകൾക്കെതിരെ വിവേചനം നിലവിലുണ്ടായിരുന്നു.  നിരവധി അന്താരാഷ്ട്ര കൺവെൻഷനുകൾ…

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IGP wins both Councillor & Member positions on APGF Council; gets Deputy Treasurer seat as well

Press Release IGP wins both Councillor & Member positions on APGF Council; gets Deputy Treasurer seat as well New Delhi, 14 September 2020: The India…

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IGP forms Kerala Working Group to take party work forward in the state

INDIA GREENS PARTY Press Release IGP forms Kerala Working Group to take party work forward in the state Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, 12 September 2020: The India…

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