Land Degradation expanding by 1 million sq-km a year, study shows

– By Adv. Girish Raut (Convenor, Indian Life and Earth Preservation Movement)
December 1, 2024

Report by The Guardian

The above report, published in The Guardian today, highlights a grave concern: every year, approximately one million square kilometers of land on Earth is becoming barren. The primary cause of this alarming desertification is unsustainable agricultural practices. While the report touches on its harmful effects on human life, it fails to capture the full gravity of the situation—this is not merely a loss of land but an existential crisis that is being deliberately downplayed.Industrialization and urbanization march hand in hand, forming the backbone of modern economies. Yet, such reports rarely critique this trio directly. The so-called “standard of living” or “developed lifestyle,” built on cars, electricity, cement, and countless synthetic products, is inherently unsustainable and impractical. Modern chemical-mechanical farming is not just unsustainable; it accelerates the destruction of ecosystems and human life—a reality systematically hidden. Despite being labeled as scientific, those creating such reports are akin to the blind men attempting to describe an elephant—failing to grasp the whole picture.

Even after reading such reports, humanity remains indifferent. The link between desertification and the industrialization-driven climate crisis is conveniently omitted, keeping people oblivious. It is crucial to understand that humanity’s existence was not secured by its so-called modern achievements. Industrialization is not sustaining life; it is destroying it. Within 20-25 years, it threatens to wipe out mankind along with all other existing life forms. This is not idealism but an unflinching reality.

To safeguard humanity, a return to pre-industrial, sustainable, agriculture-based village systems is imperative. There is no regression in this approach—rather, it reflects a deep respect for the extraordinary gift of life this planet has provided.