IGPWN Workshops


Registered office: 104 Vardhman Complex, 1st Floor, LSC, Savita Vihar, Delhi-110092, INDIA.

Secretariat: 254 Shalimar Garden Ext-I, Distt-Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA.

Email: indiagreensparty@gmail.com 

Website: www.indiagreensparty.org



3 & 4 November 2019: Tomorrow and day after i.e. 3rd and 4th of November 2019, the party will be holding an APGFWN crafted workshop on gender equity issues under the mentorship of Ms Anita Nautiyal and under the guidance and training of Ms Michelle Maree Sheather both representing the APGFWN. Ms Divya Gaur has coordinated the Workshop related tasks very well. Thanks to all these amazing women!

The women members of the party will attend the workshop on both days while the male members of the party attend the inaugural session only — tomorrow. The venue for the workshop is: Poornatva, the organic cafe,3rd floor, Block NL, No – 2, Hazipur, Sector 104, Noida, Uttar Pradesh  201301. The nearest Metro Station remains the same at Sector-83 Noida, Uttar Pradesh on Aqua Line. Here is the Google map link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/1r56XLRRN1uQSLAAA

India Greens was chosen by the APGFWN to implement its GE toolkit in the party. As part of this initiative tomorrow and day after i.e. 3rd and 4th of November 2019, the party will be holding an APGFWN crafted workshop on gender equity issues under the mentorship of Ms Anita Nautiyal and under the guidance and training of Ms Michelle Maree Sheather both representing the APGFWN.

The women members of the party will attend the workshop on both days while the male members of the party attend only the inaugural session tomorrow.


The Gender Equity Workshop on Sunday 3rd and Monday 4th of November 2019 at Poornatva organic cafe was steered by Ms Michelle Maree Sheather of the Australian Greensand coordinated by two women leaders of the party — Ms Anita Nautiyal and Ms Divya Gaur. Hindi translation was also made available by Ms Guar.

Day-1 deliberations also included meeting with men and women of the party on the gender equity. It also covered issues like: Green politics as a priority in daily life and how gender equity relates to this; IGP and policies for the women and next steps; women as organisers, candidates, facilitators — roles for women in the party; how women’s involvement can make a difference; what skills do the women need to carry these forward; public speaking; facilitating and setting agenda; working with the media; introduction to developing a roadmap for IGPWN, etc. 

Day-2 included skills session in smaller groups practicing facilitation, public speaking, etc; roles in the party; Global Greens and APGFWN; APGFWN’s available resources — webinars, online toolkits, etc (presentation from APGFWN); dealing with negatives; and, how to deal with backlash and harassment issues; next steps for IGPWN; existing policies in IGP and designing future policies; developing a road map for the IGP women’s network for the next 2-3 years; IGPWN in two years from now; organising actions; online presence and social media; support networks; how to implement the outcomes of the training at the various levels – states, cities, villages, etc; and summary and final discussion.

IGPWN: Roadmap November 2019-2022:

The following steps were agreed unanimously at the meeting on Gender Equity (GE) on November 4, 2019, regarding the IGPWN roadmap from November 2019-21.

1.   The Inaugural women’s meeting /training on Nov 4, 2019, endorsed the formation of IGPWN. The India Greens PAC (Executive) will be informed at their November 2019 Meeting of the network’s formation and the following office bearers who have been  elected: 

·   Convener: Mahima Bharadwaj(Delhi) 

·   Deputy Convener: Manisha Lakra (Chhattisgarh) 

·   Secretary: TBC

·   Treasurer: Prerna Mehta (Goa ) 

2.   It is proposed the IGPWN convener will be a member of the Political Affairs Committee (PAC/ Executive) effective November 2019. 

3.   Local chapters of IGPWN will be set up in key states: (group together women) (6 months)

4.   A recruitment and membership drive for women within IGP is a priority.  A strategy, including an incubation program, will be drawn up within 6 months. This will include localisation of promotions and advertising vacancies on FB and website and seeking to field candidates for the in house elections campaigns in 2021 -22. Learning can be drawn from the ‘She Will Run’ initiative for the Green Party Korea.

5.   A legal analysis of existing women’s laws and available services in India will be drawn up by 4 volunteers. (1 month)

6.   An agenda for a  1 day GE sensitivity training for male members of the IGP is to be drawn up and suggest a one-day pilot training (June 2020)

7.   A communications’ strategy regarding women and recruiting women into IGP is to be enacted (an 11 point plan has been drawn up to make women visible and integrated within the party)(2020)

8.   In 2021 IGPWN finalise a recommended list of women candidates for upcoming elections & forward to PAC. It is recognised there is a 33% quota for women in the India National Parliament and a newly proposed 50% quota for women in local government.

9.   Selection criteria & a clear process for candidate selection is to be established in 2020.

10. Sexual harassment policies & procedures for complaints inside IGP to be adopted and implemented (6 months including state parties). Vishaka Guidelines for harassment in the workplace can be referred. 

11. Career/development paths (individual’s  2-3 years plans) are drawn up in 6 months for participants of the November 3-4 GE training.

12. Monthly zoom Meetings will be held with the IGPWN for discussion and training and agenda; a buddy system (pair IGPWN participants together) is to be set up; and identify future training needs e.g. online. 

13. Translation of the APGF GE toolkit & other materials to be undertaken into key languages in India. (6 months)

14. Complete an analysis of existing IGP policies relating to women’s issues and identifying gaps or new areas to be developed. (to be conducted by Aarushi in 2020 in 6 months) 

15. Review the above road map in 6 months)by June 2020 by IGPWN and in conjunction with the IDC-APGFWN project; and then again in one year from now. 

Communication Strategy for Women inside IGP:

It is recognised to recruit and maintain women members in IGP a communications strategy plays an important role in making women visible and heard within IGP.

1.   Pamphlet on IGPWN policies and issues relating to the network to be produced and translated into Hindi and local languages, (can be used for recruitment.)

2.   Train women speakers to speak with for example undergraduate women’s organisations and within the media.

3.   Produce video footage and photos for WhatsApp, IGP website and FB showing women inside IGP and the activities they are undertaking.

4.   Make clear, good slogans on women’s Issues for use within the IGP

5.   Hashtag Women’s issue on problems women are facing in India and how IGP can address them.

6.   Documentary on Women’s Issue/ IGP YouTube Channel

7.   Key Spokespersons such as IGPWN office bearers

8.   Hindi Translation (as first step) of APGF Gender Equity online Toolkit.

9.   Positive Images of Women to be included in all forms of communications- review existing online content 

10. Opeds/opinion pieces, online interviews, and blogs (digital campaigning) to be put forward by the IGPWN and those working on communications in IGP

11. Participation in debates on ecological issues and women’s issues on behalf of IGP.