- Global Greens Charter: The party’s commitment to the Global Greens Charter, especially it’s six core principles of ecological wisdom, sustainability, social justice, and human rights, non-violence, participatory democracy and respect for diversity, will always remain undiminished or even improved.
- Earth’s vitality, diversity and beauty: Humans and other beings depend on Earth’s vitality, diversity and beauty and that the natural environment provides the foundation for all human livelihoods and existence of all non-humans. Therefore, it is India Greens Party’s responsibility to pass them on, undiminished or even improved, to the next generation.
- Progressive, secular, participatory, and inclusive values: The party’s commitment to the progressive, secular, participatory, and inclusive values with the purpose of building democratic and green politics in the country and to have a sustainable future will remain undiminished or even improved.
- Injustice, racism, poverty, ignorance, corruption, crime and violence and armed conflicts: The party’s commitment to fight injustice, racism, poverty, ignorance, corruption, crime and violence and armed conflicts will remain undiminished or even improved.
- Equitable society: The party’s determination to create an equitable societal structure by making the people empowered at the economic, political, social, cultural and ecological-environmental levels remains undiminished or even improved.
- Political heritage of India: The party acknowledges the great political heritage of India and the Freedom Struggle against the Imperialist regime of the British as its own heritage; and associates itself with the values of the Freedom Struggle led by Mahatma Gandhi.
- Poor and Rich: The party is determined to close the gap between poor and rich and build citizenship based on equal rights for all individuals in all spheres of social, economic, political and cultural life.
- Equality: The party is of the belief that without equality between men, women and others, no real democracy can be achieved. The party is determined to have equality at all levels and for all including the rights of the Minority communities and those on the social margins. In a nutshell, the party is for social justice at all levels. The party is committed and determined to keep struggling and making sacrifices for the sake of high objectives of freedom, equality and sister(brother)hood as per the Indian federal system. The party is determined to contribute towards creating political culture and climate as per the federal structure of the country. There is an urgency to find effective ways to fight injustice, racism, poverty, ignorance, corruption, crime and violence and armed conflicts. There is a great need to ensure equality between men, women and others, as without equality no real democracy can be achieved.
- Environmental justice: Environmental justice needs to be given equal priority in the constitution along with social, economic and political justice. There is a great need for a fool-proof Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) process throughout the country. There is an urgency to fix stage-wise targets to phase out coal mining, use, export or import; and, minimise use of other fuels including fossil, nuclear energy, and nonrenewable energy sources. We expect the government to find ways to mitigate the situation arising due to use of non-clean fuels to address the issues of pollution and climate crisis and emergency. Therefore, the India Greens Party resolves to fight climate change.
- Dissolution of power: There is a great need for complete dissolution of power from the State to local bodies (Panchayats and Nagar Panchayats) because even after several years of 73rd and 74th constitutional amendments, there is no real development at the village and ward levels. The policy-making needs to be evidence-based, participatory and primarily through the lens of Systems Thinking approach.
- Parliamentary Standing Committees: There is a need to strengthen the Parliamentary Standing Committees and include them in the process of every Bill.
- Women’s Reservation Bill: The government must urgently pass the Women’s Reservation Bill and allocate the stipulated percentage of seats to women in the Lok Sabha and all State Assemblies. It is regrettable that the Bill has been pending for so many years. It is a welcome step that the government has announced banning of single-use plastic from July 2022; however there is an urgent need that the government make effective legislation that stops production, promotion, and use of the single-use plastic throughout the country. Undoubtedly, the iGP would welcome banning single-use plastic.
- Declaration on ending deforestation by 2030: The party regrets that India did not sign the Declaration on ending deforestation by 2030 at the COP26 Glasgow climate summit, which has been signed by over 100 countries including China and Brazil. The Glasgow Leaders’ Declaration on Forests and Land Use commits the signatories to halt and reverse forest loss and land degradation, backed by almost 14 billion pounds in public and private funding. This Declaration is being termed a landmark agreement to protect and restore the earth’s forests.
- Kashmir and Article 370: It is regrettable that the consequences of the forceful revocation of the Article 370 has not brought peace, balance and harmony in the Kashmir Valley. All the claims of the government that they used to justify abrogation have also failed. And, in order to regain trust, faith and love of the people in the Kashmir Valley, we need to respect Kashmiriyat, the culture and languages. Therefore, we demand restoration of the Article 370 of the Constitution and also demand release of all political detainees in Jammu & Kashmir simply because the human rights of the citizens there also need to be respected. Therefore, a comprehensive dialogue needs to be started for a lasting solution of the issues there.
- Overexploitation of resources: It is regrettable that overexploitation of resources is causing extreme deterioration in the environment and leading to massive extinction of species and the search for maximum short-term profits is causing widespread human suffering. The party will work towards diminishing the dominant patterns of human production and consumption, including excessive and wasteful use of natural bounties, considering Earth’s carrying capacity.
- Natural rights: It is regrettable that natural rights are threatened. The rights over air, water and soil are vulnerable as there are visible signs of these things worsening. Environment is being targeted by domination. Also, the conflict between animals and humans is on the rise.
- Environmental and ecological, and agriculture and farming studies: Demands that environmental and ecological, and agriculture and farming studies be made mandatory at the High School level, and across all areas of learning and across all secondary education boards. We would like to remind that the Supreme Court of India has already directed to make this mandatory.
- Migration: Demands that the government take serious note of migration taking place in several parts of the country, and create employment and entrepreneurial opportunities in the rural areas from where most migration is taking place. Migration is also putting unnecessary pressure on the infrastructure of the cities. Migration is also taking place in search of better educational opportunities. This aspect also needs to be addressed, and a good education system ensured in the rural areas.
- Ecological, sustainable, traditional and scientific agriculture: Demands that the government encourage ecologically friendly and sustainable traditional and scientific agriculture. Small farmers need to be encouraged to go back to organic farming and use traditional seeds for their crops. Disinterest in agriculture and farming is also discouraging and can lead to food insecurity. This needs comprehensive measures. Herbaculture, horticulture and floriculture also need adequate encouragement and promotion. To revive soil and organisms in it, a complete ban on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) needs to be prescribed.