Category: Policies
India Greens is of the belief that organic, non-toxic, non-chemical, not genetically modified and sustainable agriculture is fundamental to food security, environmental sustainability and climate…
Wildlife Conservation
India Greens is of the belief that entire wildlife is part of the ecological systems and humans have the prime responsibility to protect it. India…
Energy And Climate Change
India Greens is of the belief that energy and climate change issues are overlapping and therefore there is a need to work towards net zero…
India Greens is of the belief that the human beings depend upon the natural and ecological bounties of the planet Earth and it is the…
Nuclear and Uranium
Nuclear and Uranium India Greens Party is of the opinion that there is no need for nuclear power, weapons or mining. Future generations must not…
Work and Employment
Work and Employment: India Greens Party is of the belief that every citizen of India has a right to full employment with dignity and a…
PREAMBLE The Greens support low-emission, efficient transport systems, infrastructure and policy in order to make commuting easier, tackle climate change, create healthier communities, and improve…
Health: India Greens Party shall give top priority to Health after water and food security as the party believes that the access to quality health…
Education: Education shall be the highest priority area after water, food security, health and housing for India Greens Party as it is principally a…
Decentralisation: Decentralisation shall be at the heart of the Green Politics and every level. India Greens Party shall defend the political and economic interests and…