Child And Youth Development

India Greens is of the belief that the policy makers need to work on the upliftment and development of children. Apart from education, values, ethics, morals, civic sense, humility, obedience and honesty need to be inculcated in them. The children need development – physical, social and mental. Similarly, youth development means growing and developing the skills and connections young people need to take part in society and reach their potential by gaining a sense of contributing something of value to society, by feeling of connectedness to others and to society, by believing that they have choices about their future, and by feeling of being positive and comfortable with their own identity. Besides, effective youth participation is about creating opportunities for young people to be involved in influencing, shaping, designing and contributing to policy and the development of services and programmes.

India Greens is also of the belief that the child development, protection and funding programmes for igniting minds of children and educating them are essential. Such programmes for the youth are equally essential.

Therefore, India Greens Party will:

01. Set up federal or state child and youth advisory bodies so that children and youth are ensured the means to express themselves at all levels.

02. Establish mechanism for Centre-State coordination in policy formulation for youth and children.

03. Advance and develop education system and secure employment opportunities for urban and rural youth.

04. Secure affordable housing facilities for young people.

05. Provide funds for mental and health facilities adequately in order to curb suicide rate, mental illnesses, drug and substance use, sexual assault, reproductive health, disabilities, etc.

06. Provide alternatives to imprisonment in case of violent offences committed by children and youth except the cases of rape and brutal sexual harassment.

07. Promote healthy food and ban the advertisement of junk food on children television channels.

08. Provide services and programmes to address the needs of young people from diverse communities, including multicultural and LGBTIQ youth.