Child And Youth Development
India Greens is of the belief that the policy makers need to work on the upliftment and development of children. Apart from education, values, ethics,…
Global Economy
India Greens is of the belief that the global economy has to be ecologically and environmentally sustainable, and it has to take care of the…
Natural Bounties
India Greens is of the belief that we, the humans, owe our existence and survival to our ecosystems and natural resources or bounties. And, the…
India Greens is of the belief that India must contribute to achieve a global sustainable population target and encourage and support other nations to do…
India Greens is of the belief that sports and physical recreation are important for the maintenance of good mental and physical health and they help…
Waste Management
India Greens is of the belief that the waste management policy must aim at zero waste generation to conserve Nature for future generations. It is…
Drugs And Addiction
India Greens is of the belief that use of any form of addictive drug or substance including alcohol, tobacco and pharmaceutical has the potential to…
India Greens is of the belief that every person has a right to decision-making in life, liberty, independence and self-determination. India Greens Party is also…
Banking And Finance
India Greens is of the belief that all political systems and systems of governance need to be transparent and ethical. India Greens Party is of…
India has incredible and vibrant cultures and art forms. India Greens Party is of the belief that it is the responsibility of people and the…