India Greens is of the belief that we, the humans, owe our existence and survival to our ecosystems and natural resources or bounties. And, the sustainable use of natural bounties (interchangeable with the term ‘natural resources’) and their conservation is an integral part of the growth of any nation. India Greens Party is also of the view that the climate change must be a central consideration in the management of natural bounties. Environmental and social impact assessment is a major component of resource extraction decision. Soil is an extremely valuable natural resource and it is our responsibility to maintain the fertility and health of soil.
India Greens, therefore, will:
01. Ban unnecessary deforestation and protect and conserve the forests.
02. Prohibit use of native forests for electricity generation.
03. Encourage farm-level plantation and forestry.
04. Regulate tightly the timber tree plantation and the wood production industry.
05. Minimise the use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides.
06. Revegetate land including salt affected land with biodiverse native vegetation which can provide carbon sinks, hydrological management and biodiversity restoration.
07. Develop egalitarian economy — an economy built on diverse sectors and not reliant on any one sector.
08. Ensure legal obligation of all mining activities including the projects undertaken during rehabilitation phase.
09. Deter all underground coal gasification projects.
10. Prohibit the exploration, mining and export of uranium.