Press Statement on World Environment Day
Issued at iGP NHO at Greendham Anandi-Chait, Unchir-Dunktok, Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand on 5 June 2023
The India Greens Party (iGP) extends the best wishes to the people on the occasion of the World Environment Day (WED) today. It is a perfect occasion to re-emphasise our commitment to preserve and protect the environment, for our future generations. Therefore, there is an urgent need to find solution to plastic pollution, the scourge of which is a visible threat that impacts every community around the world.
The WED has been celebrated on 5 June every year since 1974. It has grown to be the largest global platform for environmental outreach. It is celebrated by millions of people across the world.
Côte d’Ivoire is hosting World Environment Day today with the theme of solutions to plastic pollution. Côte d’Ivoire banned the use of plastic bags since 2014, supporting a shift to reusable packaging. The country’s largest city, Abidjan, has also become a hub for start-ups looking to beat plastic pollution.
The WED is being supported by the Government of the Netherlands, which is one of the countries taking ambitious action along the plastic lifecycle.
This year marks the 50th anniversary of WED, after it was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972. Over the past five decades, the day has grown to be one of the largest global platforms for environmental outreach. Tens of millions of people participate online and through in-person activities, events and actions around the world.
It is the UN’s principal vehicle for encouraging awareness and action for the protection of our environment. Each year, the WED provides a new theme that the governments, organisations, corporations, NGOs, communities and all celebrities worldwide adopt to advocate environmental causes.
The people across the world must beat the plastic pollution. The party reiterated that the humans can make peace with nature by growing trees, greening cities, rewilding gardens, changing diets or cleaning up rivers and coasts; and not by surviving amidst plastic pollution. Plastic will only ruin sustainability.
The theme for World Environment Day will focus on solutions to plastic pollution under the campaign #BeatPlasticPollution.
It is regrettable that the world is being inundated by plastic. More than 400-million-tonne of plastic is produced every year worldwide, half of which is designed to be used only once. Of that, less than 10 per cent is recycled. An estimated 19-23-million-tonne end up in lakes, rivers and seas annually. Besides, tiny plastic particles up to 5mm in diameter – find their way into food, water and air. Discarded or burnt single-use plastic harms human health and biodiversity and pollutes every ecosystem from mountain tops to the ocean floor.
With available science and solutions to tackle the problem, governments, companies and other stakeholders must scale up and speed actions to solve this crisis. This underscores the importance of this World Environment Day in mobilising transformative action from every corner of the world.
On the occasion, the iGP calls upon the Government of India to not go ahead with all those projects that posed threats to the ecology and environment and put the future of the generations ahead in danger. It is important to know that climate emergency is for real and it is the responsibility of every citizen and every government to deal with the critical situation.
–Issued by the iGP Chief Spokesperson Suresh Nautiyal.
#WED #WorldEnvironmentDay #BeatPlasticPollution
(India Greens Party is registered with the Election Commission of India under Section 29A of the Representation of the People Act, 1951. Registration Number: 56/476/2018-19/PPS-I, effective from 18/07/2019.)
National Head Office: GreenDham AnandiChait, IndraBalbhadra Parisar, Unchir-Dunktok, SH-31, PO-Ghurdauri, Distt-Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, INDIA. PIN-246194.
Email: contact@indiagreensparty.org Website: https://indiagreensparty.org
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