Press Statement
Unchir-Dunktok, Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, 1 May 2023: The India Greens Party (iGP) today appealed to the governments in the country to do their best in the interest of the workers and labourers as these classes are passing through difficult times.
In a press statement issued here at the party’s national head office (NHO), on the occasion of the International Workers’ Day today, the iGP said the governments must also help those who need employment, food, shelter, healthcare and medicines, etc.
The Day is also known as Labour Day or simply May Day! It is a celebration of labourers and the working classes all over the world. It honours the hard work of people across the world and celebrates their achievements.
The Labour Day has its origins in the labour union movement in the United States in the 19th Century. In 1889, a body of socialist groups and trade unions, in the US designated May 1 as a day for workers. This was in remembrance of the Haymarket Riots in Chicago in 1886, when a labour protest rally turned violent after someone threw a bomb at the police. According to the records, at least eight people died as a result of the violence that day. Despite a lack of evidence against them, eight radical labour activists were convicted.
The iGP said the pursuit of neoliberal and free market fundamentalist economic policies by the central and state governments has weakened the hard-earned rights of even organised workers in India.
“The plight of the unorganised workers who constitute the majority of the Indian workforce is more pathetic since they are compelled to toil with irregular employment opportunities and no proper labour rights,” lamented the party.
“The conventional definition of working class needs to be expanded to include even white-collar professionals working in sectors like software, healthcare, and tourism as they face job insecurity, no guaranteed income, and exploitative corporate environments that disrupt their health and work-life balance,” the iGP added.
– Issued by the IGP Chief Spokesperson Suresh Nautiyal.
(India Greens Party is registered with the Election Commission of India under Section 29A of the Representation of the People Act, 1951. Registration Number: 56/476/2018-19/PPS-I, effective from 18/07/2019.)
National Head Office: GreenDham AnandiChait, IndraBalbhadra Parisar, Unchir-Dunktok, PO-Ghurdauri, Patty-Idwalsyun, Distt-Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, INDIA. PIN-246194.
Email: contact@indiagreensparty.org Website: https://indiagreensparty.org
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