(Brihan Mumbai)
Press Statement
Mumbai, 18 June 2021: As a response to the handing over of 812 acres of Aarey Forest to the SGNP Forest Department by the Maharashtra Government, the iGP Brihan Mumbai State Executive committee today welcomed the decision, but said it wanted an assurance from the state government that the wildlife, flora and fauna, and biodiversity of the entire 3500 acres of Aarey Forest be protected, conserved and rejuvenated.
The iGP Brihan Mumbai State Executive Committee in a press statement issued here said the entire 3500 acres of the Aarey Forest area must be handed over to the SGNP Forest Department, and Adivasis traditionally living in the Aarey Forest area must be protected from displacement or relocation.
The state unit of the party pointed out that the encroachment at Aarey Forest must be stopped and the state government need to take appropriate measures to tackle the issue.
The state unit of the party demanded that the Maharashtra Government expedite the formal process required to legally endorse the withdrawal of the court cases against all the activists, Adivasis, students and other citizens who participated in the protest to save the Aarey Forest from encroachment and ecological destruction.
The iGP Brihan Mumbai State Executive Committee also announced that it was committed to protect Brihan Mumbai’s all eco-sensitive regions from hazardous activities.
–Issued by Mukesh BS Jadhav, Spokesperson for the Brihan Mumbai State Executive Committee.
(India Greens Party is registered with the Election Commission of India under Section 29A of the Representation of the People Act, 1951. Registration Number: 56/476/2018-19/PPS-I, effective from 18/07/2019.)
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