India Greens is of the belief that organic, non-toxic, non-chemical, not genetically modified and sustainable agriculture is fundamental to food security, environmental sustainability and climate change mitigation and adaptation. Agro-ecological and sustainable farming systems need to be brought into practice to maintain healthy and productive lands and the health of those dependent on food.
Therefore, India Greens Party will:
01. Prioritise the land use policies for the protection of prime agricultural land, water and infrastructure.
02. Encourage skilled workforce.
03. Promote innovations and research in agro-ecology.
04. Mitigate methane emissions, greenhouse effects leading to global warming.
05. Subsidise and incentivize farmers to minimise the use of harmful pesticides and fertilisers.
06. Address climate change and soil and water degradation.
07. Take measures to eliminate waste from the entire food production system.
08. Improve the reliability and technicalities in the uptake of tertiary and vocational agricultural courses.
09. Reward and appraise the farmers who are considerate towards ecosystem.
10. Protect wetlands and regulate irrigation water and groundwater, efficiency and environmental sustainability.
11. Restore native vegetation and biodiversity.
12. Take drought assistance measures.
13. Adopt risk reduction strategies.
14. Incentivise meat and dairy producers to implement methane mitigation methods.