Category: Press Statements

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Int’l Day of Awareness on Food and Waste Reduction: Reducing food losses essential, says iGP

INDIA GREENS PARTY Press Statement Unchir-Dunktok, Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, 29 September 2021: On the occasion of the International Day of Awareness on Food and Waste…

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Int’l Day for Universal Access to Information: RTI needs to be included as Fundamental Right, says iGP

INDIA GREENS PARTY Press Statement Unchir-Dunktok, Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, 28 September 2021: The India Greens Party (iGP) today said the Right to Information should be…

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World Tourism Day: Tourism sector needs paradigm shift in thinking to survive, says iGP

INDIA GREENS PARTY Press Statement Unchir-Dunktok, Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, 27 September 2021: The India Greens Party (iGP) today said there is a great need for…

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Total elimination of nuke weapons will lead to peace, says iGP

INDIA GREENS PARTY Press Statement Unchir-Dunktok, Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, 26 September 2021: The India Greens Party (iGP) today said total elimination of the nuclear weapons…

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Attack on media is attack on democracy, says iGP

INDIA GREENS PARTY Press Statement Unchir-Dunktok, Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, 14 September 2021: The India Greens Party (iGP) today condemned the brazen attempts of the governments…

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Day for South-South Cooperation: Developing countries should strengthen collective self-reliance, says iGP

INDIA GREENS PARTY Press Statement Unchir-Dunktok, Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, 12 September 2021: The India Greens Party (iGP) today said the South-South cooperation, which is a…

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Himalaya Day: Conserve ecological systems in Himalaya, says iGP

INDIA GREENS PARTY Press Statement Unchir-Dunktok, Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, 9 September 2021: Celebrating the Himalaya Day today, the India Greens Party (iGP) said it is…

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Int’l Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies: Healthy air essential for healthy planet, says iGP

INDIA GREENS PARTY Press Statement Unchir-Dunktok, Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, 7 September 2021: The India Greens Party (iGP) today said, while keeping the conversations broad enough…

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#SaveBuxwahaForest Campaign gets support from iGP, party says diamond project must end

INDIA GREENS PARTY Press Statement Unchir-Dunktok, Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, 2 September 2021: The India Greens Party (iGP) today extended its support to the campaign to…

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iGP requests Centre to constitute NMC to study prevailing situation of media

INDIA GREENS PARTY Press Statement Unchir-Dunktok, Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, 1 September 2021: The India Greens Party (iGP) today said the Government of India should constitute…

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