Author: GreenAdmin


INDIA GREENS PARTY Press Statement: 20 December 2017 New Delhi, 20 December 2017: The INDIA GREENS PARTY – pan-India Green party – said today that…

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COP23 Statement – Global Greens Parliamentarians Association

COP23 Statement – Global Greens Parliamentarians Association Posted 15 November, 2017 Global Greens Parliamentarians Association (GGPA) members participating in the 23rd Conference of the Parties (COP23)…

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COP23 Outcomes

COP23 Outcomes Posted 19 November, 2017 COP23 – formally, the 23rd session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on…

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No single nation can decide on Jerusalem status: INDIA GREENS PARTY

Press Statement — 9th of December 2017. New Delhi, INDIA: The India Greens Party – an emerging pan-India Green party – said today that the…

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Participatory Democracy

India Greens Party strives for a democracy in which all citizens have the right to express their views, and are able to directly participate in…

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The differences in living standards and opportunities in India are intolerable. The richest people have control over most of the resources and incomes while the…

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Healthy ecosystems are essential to human life, yet we seem to have forgotten the relationship between nature and society. Extinction rates are 100 to 1000…

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Climate Change and Energy

The climate crisis is both greatest challenge facing the global community and the greatest opportunity for humanity to rethink how we live, in a way…

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Food and Water

In India, millions of people remain undernourished, not because there is insufficient food but because of unequal access to land, water, credit and markets. Genetically…

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Human Rights

Denial of human rights and freedoms goes hand in hand with poverty and political powerlessness. Millions suffer discrimination, intimidation, arbitrary detention, violence and death. Several…

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