Internal Work Policy Committee

  Terms of Reference

Role of the Committee

The objective of the committee is to develop, implement and manage the internal work policy from time to time for the smooth functioning of the party organisation and office bearers at all levels.

Specific objectives

  •  Create an internal work policy that covers the protocols, procedures, codes and rules to govern the tasks/responsibilities of individual office bearers, party committees, conduct of office bearers and convening of meetings. For example, if a PAC member fails to attend three consecutive meetings without apologies, he/she may be liable to be disqualified.
  •  Create a format for identifying the skills, competencies and likely time investment of office bearers and provide it to the office bearers; and assess their likely responsibilities based on their reply in tune with their roles.
  • Make recommendations to the Co-Presidents and Secretary-Generals about task allocation to Vice Presidents and General Secretaries/Secretaries respectively.
  • Make recommendations to the Executive Board and PAC regarding the party’s internal functioning and also present reports to the EB and PAC.
  • Monitor the functioning of the party organisation and office bearers and issue appropriate alerts, reminders and warnings to the office bearers in case any lapses are noticed. 
  • Suggest action against those office bearers and active members who are irresponsible or erratic with regard to their role(s) in the party. 
  • Make recommendations to the EB, PAC, and Grievances and Discipline Committee whenever relevant action is required.

 Powers of the Committee

The committee shall have no power to take direct action against office bearers or party members but will act as the node that will monitor the party functioning, and recommend required action to the Co-Presidents, Secretary-Generals, EB, PAC, and the Grievances and Discipline Committee as and when needed.

Membership of the Committee

The committee shall have five (5) members and will maintain gender equity. At least two members must be women, and if the Convener is female, the Deputy Convener will be male/other gender and vice versa. The EB and the PAC will finalise the membership of the committee.

Operations of the Committee (meetings and proceedings)

  •  The committee shall meet at least once a month. The Convener or Co-convener in the absence of the Convener can call a meeting and preside over the meetings.
  •  The EB or PAC can issue a call to convene the meeting of the Committee.
  •  Any member of the committee can make suggestions to call a meeting with the reasons explained, subject to approval by at least three (3) committee members.
  •  The quorum for committee meetings will be 3 members with at least one male and female member each present.
  •  Decisions should be preferably unanimous. In the absence of consensus, majority vote will be required with at least one female and male member each voting for the decision.

Review and assessment of the committee

The EB and the PAC will have the power to review and assess the performance and recommendations of the committee, and reconstitute the membership of the committee.