India Greens Party strives for a democracy in which all citizens have the right to express their views, and are able to directly participate in the environmental, economic, social and political decisions which affect their lives; so that power and responsibility are concentrated in local and regional communities, and devolved only where essential to higher tiers of governance. Therefore, India Greens Party shall:
- fight against the undemocratic regimes in the country.
- join the forces against corruption, human rights abuses and press censorships, etc. It shall oppose media concentration and corporate political funding.
- fight against systematic exclusion of racial, ethnic, and religious communities.
- fight for electoral systems that do not discriminate against alternative ideas and new and small parties.
- seek support of grassroots movements and other organisations of civil society working for democratic, transparent and accountable government, at all levels from local to global.
- actively support to those who give young people a voice through educating, encouraging and assisting their participation in every aspect of political action.
- strive for the democratisation of gender relations by promoting appropriate mediations to enable women and men equally to take part in the economic, political, social sphere.
- uphold the right of citizens to have access to official information and to free and independent media.
- work for universal access to electronic communications and information technology, radio, and community-based internet and email. The party shall work to make access to these technologies as cheap as possible.
- uphold a just secular legal system that ensures the right of defence and practices proportionality between crime and punishment.
- support the public funding of elections, and measures to ensure all donations are fully transparent and accountable and are free from undue influence, whether perceived or otherwise.
- challenge corporate domination of government as they are deprived of their right to equal political participation.
- shall support the separation of powers between the executive, legislative and judicial systems, and the separation of state and religion.
- shall support the development and strengthening of local government.
- shall support the restructuring of state institutions to democratise them and make them more transparent and efficient in serving the goal of citizens’ power and sustainable development.
- shall support global governance based on the democratic principle of one person — one vote — one value, rather than by unelected corporate interests.