Acting Globally

India Greens Party is a political party having allegiance to the Constitution of India established by law and principles of Socialism, Secularism and Democracy. The party shall endeavour to maintain Sovereignty, Unity and Integrity of India. However, India Greens Party shall:

  1. work cooperatively to implement it Charter as well as the Global Greens Charter by taking action together on issues of global consequence whenever needed.
  2. support the development of Green parties, political movements and youth networks around the world.
  3. Assist other Green parties and movements, at their requests, including by providing observers at elections to help ensure that they are free and fair; encouraging voters to enroll and vote Green in their home countries.
  4. adopt and put into practice in our own organisations the democratic principles we seek in broader society.
  5. act as a model of participatory democracy in our own internal organisation at all levels.
  6. encourage cooperation between the Green parties globally to ensure that member parties are consulted, educated and have equal capacity to influence global positions of the Greens.
  7. encourage Green parties and green political movements to show leadership in establishing policies guaranteeing transparent and decentralised structures, so that political power and opportunity is extended to all members; and in developing new political models which better meet the challenges of sustainable development and grassroots democracy.
  8. avoid sources of finance that conflict with our vision and values.
  9. avoid cooperation with dictatorships, sects, or criminal organisations and with their dependent organisations, particularly in matters of democracy and human rights.
  10. strengthen our links with like-minded community organisations, and with civil society organisations such as those that mobilised in Seattle; we are one part, with them, of the growing consciousness that respect for the environment, for social and human rights, and for democracy, has to prevail on the economic organisation of the world.
  11. support each other personally and politically with friendship, optimism and good humour, and not forget to enjoy ourselves in the process