
The differences in living standards and opportunities in India are intolerable. The richest people have control over most of the resources and incomes while the poorest, including women and young people, share bare minimum and a large population survives on less than US$1 a day.  Poor children never attend school while a large number of adults can neither read nor write, most of them are women. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and tuberculosis (TB) infections and Malaria like issues remain severe problems among poor. In view of all this, India Greens Party shall:

  1. support aid funding being directed to the poorest of the poor, with the priorities being determined through working with local communities.
  2. Will work to improve the rights, status, education and political participation of women.
  3. commit to the goal of making high quality primary education universal, financed through increased aid and debt relief.
  4. support the use of incentives to ensure that savings from debt relief are channelled into poverty reduction and environment conservation, and that transparent and accountable processes are in place with participation from affected communities.
  5. see concerted action to combat the great pandemics including HIV-Aids, TB and malaria as a priority,
  6. help in economic progress, especially through education.
  7. recognise the right to compensation of those people that lose access to their natural resources through displacement by environmental destruction or human intervention such as colonisation and migration.
  8. review the relationship between exclusive ownership of property and exclusive use of its resources, with a view to curbing environmental abuse and extending access for basic livelihood to all, especially indigenous communities.
  9. ensure that all men, women and children can achieve economic security, without recourse to personally damaging activities such as pornography, prostitution or the sale of organs.
  10. commit to work for more equal allocation of welfare and for creation of equal opportunities inside all our societies, recognising that there is a growing number of poor and marginalised people in developed countries also.
  11. contribute to discourage inequality and dispossession of poor people as current form of financialised neo-liberal capitalism aids the rich and is crisis prone.
  12. defend and promote the human, social and environmental rights of all people.