

Green Guidelines

The India Greens Party’s Green Guidelines (iGPGG) are a set of parameters for the Members and Office Bearers of the Party. All Members and Office Bearers are expected to abide by the Green Guidelines. Any violation shall automatically attract disciplinary action. 

The Green Guidelines expect all Party Members and all Office Bearers from village/ward level to the national level the following:

  1. The India Greens Party and its Constitution are supreme. Therefore, all members and Office Bearers of the Party shall have allegiance to the Party’s Constitution, Core Principles, Ideology, Political Thoughts, Philosophy, Policies, Ideas, Programmes, activities and leadership.
  2. No Member or Office Bearer is above the Party, Party Constitution, Party Flag or Party Insignia. Therefore, all Members and Office Bearers shall abide by the iGP Constitution.
  3. Six Core Principles of the Party Constitution drawn from the Global Greens Charter are inalienable values and all iGP Members and Office Bearers shall follow them in letter and spirit.
  4. All IGP Members and Office Bearers shall follow and carry out programmes as per the Party’s Policies.
  5. Protocol and discipline shall be followed in all official meetings, conventions, public engagements and other internal or external programmes of the Party.
  6. Members and Office Bearers of the Party shall not discriminate with anyone in the Party or outside based on religion, sect, caste, race, geographical region, sex, language, dialect, lifestyle, food habits, etc.
  7. No Member or Office Bearer of the Party shall engage, involve or indulge in any activity that is against the Core Principles and Policies of the Party.
  8. Consumption or use of liquor, drugs, tobacco in any form, pan masala, psychosomatic substances, etc, shall be strictly prohibited in/during Party’s conventions, meetings, workshops, training programmes, internal or outreach programmes, campaigns, etc.
  9. All Members and Office Bearers of the Party shall respect each other and their personal opinions.
  10. All Members and Office Bearers of the Party shall treat their female colleagues at par. They shall not make sexist remarks or use patriarchal language while in conversation with the female colleagues in/during conventions, meetings, trainings, workshops, programmes and campaigns, etc.
  11. All Members and Office Bearers of the Party shall treat the LGBTIQA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex, Queer, Asexual and other people) Members of the Party at par. They shall not make sexist remarks or use patriarchal language while in conversation with them in/during conventions, meetings, trainings, workshops, programmes and campaigns, etc.
  12. The iGP Members and Office Bearers shall not make personal remarks on the personal life of the Members or Office Bearers of the Party.
  13. No Member of Office Bearer of the Party shall stop working or discharging their duties and responsibilities in the Party without the permission or authorisation of the relevant authority or body of the Party.
  14. In case of issues, disputes and controversies, the Watchdog Committee will automatically take up the issue for investigation. This Committee can also investigate any other issues that can impact Party’s image or future. The Watchdog Committee will submit its reports to the Discipline Committee for action.
  15. In case of issues, disputes and controversies, the parties concerned shall take the issues to the concerned unit of the Party. If the issue is not settled there, it shall go to the higher unit for resolution. Finally, the issues shall go to the Discipline Committee of the Party. The decision of the Discipline Committee shall be final and challengeable only in the PAC. No issue shall go to a higher body as PAC’s decision shall be final and binding.
  16. No Member and Office Bearer of the Party shall part with the confidential information about Party’s programmes, activities, actions, etc. This is not a violation of transparency.
  17. Members and Office Bearers functioning as Spokespersons for the Party shall consult with the Party leadership before making statements on the core and vital issues.
  18. No Member and Office Bearer of the Party shall make public statement or issue press notes other than the official Spokespersons.
  19. Members and Office Bearers shall not receive any money from any source indiscriminately. The sources of donation have to be in consonance with the Party’s Policies and Ideology. Donation through cheques or online transfer need to be encouraged. Only small amounts up to Rs 2,000 shall be allowed in cash and a receipt to be issued thereafter. The annual limit of donation from an individual is Rs 1,20,000.
  20. Members and Office Bearers are expected to follow the political ethics in a transparent way.
  21. Only those Members, Office Bearers or staff members shall use the official email IDs, social media IDs who are authorised by the competent authority. At the national level, President and Secretary-General shall authorise the Party Office Bearers or staff members to use the official email IDs. In case of states, districts and other grassroots level, such use shall be authorised by the President of the relevant Committee at their level only.
  22. All social media IDs and interactive platforms of the Party including in the Party’s website shall be monitored and reviewed by President/Secretary-General from time to time. If the authorised Members, Office Bearers or staff members violate the Green Guidelines or such other directives while doing their work, they shall be removed from doing that work.
  23. Party President shall be the Master Administrator of Party’s Website. The President shall share all the passwords created by Convener of the IT Committee, with Secretary-General. Only these three Office Bearers (President, IT Committee Convener and Secretary-General) shall share the passwords with those Office bearers or staff members or experts who are required to carry out certain tasks.