Social Justice
We assert that the key to social justice is the equitable distribution of social and natural resources, both locally and globally, to meet basic human…
Participatory Democracy
We strive for a democracy in which all citizens have the right to express their views, and are able to directly participate in the environmental,…
We declare our commitment to nonviolence and strive for a culture of peace and cooperation between states, inside societies and between individuals, as the basis…
We recognise the limited scope for the material expansion of human society within the biosphere, and the need to maintain biodiversity through sustainable use of…
Respect for Diversity
We honour cultural, linguistic, ethnic, sexual, religious and spiritual diversity within the context of individual responsibility toward all beings. We defend the right of all…
Ecological Wisdom
We acknowledge that human beings are part of the natural world and we respect the specific values of all forms of life, including non-human species….