India Greens Party forms 10-member Ad-hoc Committee for Greater Mumbai

Mumbai, 10 February 2020: The pan-India green party – India Greens Party — constituted 10-member Greater (Brihan) Mumbai Ad-hoc Committee here today to take the party work ahead in the metropolitan city including the outreach program and membership drive.

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This was decided in a meeting held at the Chemical Mazdoor Sabha office at Dadar in Mumbai. It was chaired by the IGP National President Suresh Nautiyal.

The party’s Political Affairs Committee (PAC) had previously decided to create separate committees in all the metropolitan cities of the country.

The Conveners of the IGP Brihan Mumbai Ad-hoc Committee include: (1) Kailash Anerao, (2) Ganesh Subramanyam, (3) Ms Archana Patel, (4) Suyog Dixit, (5) Rusi Nariman, (6) Mukesh Jadhav, (7) Sanjiv Valsan, (8) Ms Sugandha Lonikar, (9) Ms Geeta Sahu and (10) Sagar Singh.

The committee will recruit other women to have gender balance in it.

The Ad-hoc Committee will convene its next meeting quite soon to chalk out its programmes and connect it to the ongoing environmental movements and campaigns in the metropolitan city. 

Presiding over the meeting, party President Suresh Nautiyal said that the humans did not have much time in hand to save themselves and the non-human life forms from the ecological crises. Therefore, it was urgent to start the mitigation work immediately. He said the India Greens Party was already there to make the citizens aware of these disasters that may happen in the absence of core ecological work. 

Mr Nautiyal said the IGP was the only party that was following the six core ecological principles of the Global Greens at a national level. He further said these core principles – ecological wisdom, sustainability, social justice, non-violence, participatory democracy and respect for diversity – were the values that gave hope to us.

All Conveners of the Ad-hoc Committee also shared their experiences and expressed the desire that there was a great need to connect with the environmental movements like Aarey Forest Movement for the larger good in Mumbai and other places in the country.

Press Statement issued by IGP Spokesperson Michael Rajchandra.