India Greens is of the belief that the human beings depend upon the natural and ecological bounties of the planet Earth and it is the duty and responsibility of humans to protect, conserve and take care of the ecosystem.
Therefore, India Greens Party will:
01. Regulate actions against the greenhouse gas emissions and global warming.
02. Work towards sustainability of natural bounties so that the over consumption does not exhaust them and nothing is left for the future generations.
03. Fund, encourage, empower and resource the public bodies, local and other government bodies for participation and implementation of strategies to protect and manage the environment.
04. Set up of a body to look into the conservation of biodiversity.
05. Impart environmental education and make it compulsory subject in primary and secondary school curriculum across the board.
06. Tax and penalise the industries responsible for emission of hazardous wastes and chemicals into nature and reward or subsidise the Industries working towards the curtailment of hazardous waste discharge.
07. Prevent the introduction of pest plants, animals and diseases.
08. Flash the awareness campaigns through posters, hoardings and pamphlets to ignite the minds of people to work towards environment conservation and sustainable development.