
India Greens is of the belief that India must contribute to achieve a global sustainable population target and encourage and support other nations to do the same. India Greens Party is also of the belief that the population policy should be committed to: (a) ecological sustainability, (b) global and domestic social justice and equity, (c) intergenerational equity, (d) decent wage conditions for all, and (e) adequate geographical distribution of human population.

India Greens, therefore, will:

01. Make family planning universally accessible.

02. Widely advertise and promote condoms and contraceptive pills signifying their pros and cons.

03. Ensure equitable distribution of wealth and power among the population.

04. Provide equal right to participate in social, economic and political aspects of life to the older people.

05. Reduce and regulate the use of natural resources to a level that is sustainable and socially just.

06. Build houses in areas and localities which minimise environmental harm and maximise social well-being.

07. Limit unsustainable growth and resource use.

08. Minimise agro discrimination.

09. Secure accommodation options for older people.

10. Support for isolated older people to connect to the community and funding and establishing old-age homes and extending full support and care to the abandoned old generation.